Tuesday 4 July 2017

Lego Batman Summer Lovin

Just before we headed off on honeymoon (without the children) me and Oliver went to a fantastic Lego event - Batman summer lovin! to celebrate the release of the DVD. Anything LEGO as you've probably guessed - Oliver loves but when it's batman or star wars? He will drop anything to be there - even cricket - oops. Ninjago is a huge obsession too. I haven't told him about the film yet - I know I need to at some point or he'll question why he didn't know when his friends start talking about it.

Oliver loves Lego so much that his birthday is going to be a lego themed celebration! It's next month so I'll make sure to blog all about it then.

If you haven't seen the Lego Batman movie yet then where have you been? We absolutely loved it - the premiere was amazing!

Now we have got the DVD we have already watched it 3 times (I've been away too... so that's a lot of time spent watching Lego Batman)

I thought the event was great, Oliver thought it was fantastic too. He went straight to get some of these done - how cute? I couldn't resist either!

Then ofcourse it was onto building.... you can't keep him away! He even goes to lego club at lunch time at school... so sweet.

My favourite thing about lego is that it really opens up your child's imagination, they create some awesome things and in my opinion it's the best toy Oliver's got.

*please note - I remembered to get him a batman top!!!  oh yes, there's no mum guilt over here today so you can moves along... I forgot last time - oh the shameeeee as he quickly did his coat up INSIDE!! because he thought he was the only one without one......... well, I said I remembered - I called my mum and asked her to get one for me!*

 Hook a duck - Oliver loved this, he had his heart set on one of the big prizes but he wasn't lucky this time around. He handled it so well - a sign he's growing up isnt it? no tantrum.... he does still have some though haha anyway because he already had what he won - he gave it away once we got back to our own town, he saw a little boy giving out chocolate for fathers day to be kind and he gave it to him!
 Checking out all the cool lego batman bits you can get!


 I absolutely love this photo of him with batgirl and batman. He was so happy to attend.
 And then there was the food....
 and more food...
 And a bit more building before we had to leave to catch the train home....

Thank you so much for inviting us to be part of this lovely morning - it's always so much fun with Lego!

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