Thursday 6 February 2014

#ELCArtChallenge - "My first valentines thing" by Oliver x

We were lucky enough to be included in the ELC Valentines Day Art Challenge where Oliver was sent some lovely crafty bits and bobs from Early Learning Centre to create something for someone he loves as part of their Art Challenge I was to blog about it, step by step to show how he made it. We've been really busy moving so we have done it bit by bit and Oliver's ended up making lots of different bits. 

He was very excited to open the parcel when it arrived and he couldn't wait to get creative. 

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The box is packed full of lovely little bits

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Firstly Oliver wanted to make a card because as he said "It will be my first valentines thing". He said he was making the card for nanny, it had to be blue so I helped him fold the card in half and he said that nanny well, she liked flowers, so when he spotted inside the box there was flower gems he could use he decided to stick them on. 

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It was a little tempting to help him when the flowers got stuck in the glue but we were at nannys for the day and not in a rush so I let him make his mistakes, it's how they learn isn't it? 

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Oliver said he was going to use 5 flowers but then he liked the blue on too so he had to add that one. We werent meant to use anything that wasnt in the box but Oliver insisted he needed to use the green crayon...

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Then we wanted to make a gift box for his valentines day present...
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He used the bright coloured lolly sticks and asked mummy to help with the sticky tape as he gets all confused with it, sticking his fingers together.

Then he put the shredded tissue paper inside the box so that it looked "pretty".
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Now it was time to make the present. 

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Oliver's recently made bracelets at school, so when he saw the beads he knew to make a bracelet with them. He started out by wanting to do a colour pattern but after a while got fed up of that and just done whatever bead was next! 

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He said it is "beautiful" and "for a princess". 

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Then it was time to go home, so we had to pack all the bits and bobs back up and wait for another day to get creative again. 

Oliver has lots of cousins but Joshua & Jenna are two that he goes on about all of the time! Their mum is my sister Sarah - Oliver likes to call her 'Uncle Sarah'. Joshua is 1 month 1 day younger than Oliver, so they are very close in age and his little sister is 2. Oliver said he wanted to make a valentines day card for Josh and Jenna because he loves them very much. This is what he created... 

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He said it couldn't be pink because Josh is a boy but it couldn't be blue hearts because Jenna is a girl so he decided to use orange. 

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Mummy had to help cut out the hearts but Oliver done all of the sticking by himself. 

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Oliver had a lovely time being creative for Valentines day! Thank you ELC for letting us be involved,

Mary-Kate & Oliver x


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