Tuesday 11 February 2014

Birth Plan ? eek.

At over 36 weeks pregnant I thought it was about time I thought about my birth plan, I know that they don't often go to plan but having said this I really like the idea of having what I want and more importantly what I definitely do not want down in writing so that my midwife doesn't need to keep asking me - she can just see for herself! Obviously, I am open to change but being a second timer, I know what I want this time and I am going to be a little bit stubborn.  

So here's my Birth Plan... 

Birthing partner: Michael 

Pain relief: Gas & Air and tens machine. ( Also birthing pool & birthing ball will be helping me)

Positions for delivery: Any that is comfortable at the time, NOT on my back like the end of my labour with Oliver if I can be I'd like to continue to move about. 

A.R.M: I had to google this one - artificial rupture of membranes - breaking the waters... if they really need to then they can! 

Fetal Scalp Electrode: Don't like the sound of this but if its essentials to check if baby is happy then I wont refuse. 

Episiotomy: Hello google! Oh this is what I refused last time, I wont this time. Last time I had a midwife down there with some scissors saying she was going to cut me - I said no way and therefore got a second degree tear. If I need to be cut this time then I will let them because I understand what it actually is now! 

Delivery of Placenta: Definitely active - give me that injection! Last time my placenta took 2 hours to come out even though I had that injection - imagine if I hadn't had it? I'm currently seeing a consultant about my placenta to see if I'd be suitable to birth on a birthing centre or if I'd need to be on delivery suite incase of any complications with my placenta. Fingers crossed I will be allowed the birthing centre - it's only downstairs from the delivery ward. 

Cutting the cord: I'd love Michael to do this! 

Vitamin K - injection, yes!

National cord blood stem cell donation - Yes! Think this is a brilliant idea, much better than it going to waste. 

Skin to skin at birth: Yes! Couldn't imagine it any other way, also plan to breastfeed straight away. I've asked Michael to do skin-to-skin contact with baby too while I go for a shower after birth. 

So that's it... I definitely don't want an epidural - the idea of not feeling my legs is something I couldn't deal with, it doesn't make me feel safe to not walk around. When I'm in pain, I get up and move about... quietly. 

I also don't want pethidine as I had it with Oliver very late, too late, in my labour and therefore I fell asleep. However my labour with Oliver went very very fast, if my labour went slower this time and I wasn't given it at nearly 8cm then maybe I would have it. Seems like a good idea early on in labour to get a few hours sleep if really needed but when you are as far along as I was then... it was a stupid mistake to make! (Midwife checked me afterwards). 

Did you consider a birth plan? is there any pain relief you would suggest? or home comforts that really helped you during labour? 

Mary-Kate, x 


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