Thursday 8 December 2016

Classic Tiny Tears Doll Review

Classic Tiny Tears Doll

Isabelle loves playing with dolls, she has quite the collection now but she definitely has a new favourite as we’ve been sent a gorgeous Classic Tiny Tears doll. It really reminds me of my childhood – I guess I’m on a roll lately of liking things for my children that I had when I was little, I assume others like to reminisce on the old times too. Tiny Tears is one of the original baby doll brands having celebrated her 50th birthday last year! Since then she’s had a little make over and come back with a brand new look, she now has a floral dress which has been specifically designed for Tiny Tears. Although Tiny Tears is made for children aged 3-6 years, Isabelle has played with her beautifully and I wouldn’t put anyone with a 2 year old off this doll. She even asked Santa for a dolls bed for her Tiny Tears dolly as she loved her so much.

In our photos, don’t be confused with the old outfit and the new – Isabelle loves to get her changed so we’ll be adding to her outfits over time I’m sure! Which is also a great additional thing as it’s a gift you can keep growing for a while.

Isabelle was so delighted when she arrived.

She comes with her own potty, bottle, dress, knickers and dummy as well as a hairbrush so there really is a nice selection of things to keep your little one occupied for a good amount of time. Tiny Tears can drink her bottle, cry and use the potty too! Which absolutely amazed Isabelle. It’s also a great toy to encourage using the toilet! Look dolly does it too….
Isabelle loved that Tiny Tears has long hair to brush, her other dolls all have no hair like a ‘baby’ as Isabelle says so she really enjoyed brushing her hair and spent ages doing it.

Isabelle was very keen on the design of the new dress and wanted one for herself! Isabelle says Tiny Tears is like her – not a baby but still little!!

Toys that really get your child’s amazing imagination working are my favourite and this Tiny Tears doll really does just that.

I honestly don’t think that Classic Tiny Tears needs any new functions at all – she’s perfect. We’ve also got another doll who requires batteries to do similar things, she doesn’t get played with much because she is very heavy for a toddler which is a shame. Classic Tiny Tears is the perfect weight for Isabelle and the fact that Isabelle needs to use her imagination a little bit more with this toy in a world surrounded by technology to me is a very good thing.

Price wise I would say it was very good value for money. I'm definitely going to be looking for a few outfits for Isabelle's birthday in March as she'll just love them.

You can find more about Tiny Tears here - John Adams Tiny Tears


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