Tuesday 12 April 2016

An inspired update - food one!

I'm finding it tricky to have time to go to the gym at the moment - it's still easter holidays for Oliver so I've got two children to find someone to look after. Also, walking back it's so dark and to be honest I don't like one bit of the walk back in the dark on my own so I don't want to do that. I have been continuing to feel inspired with my food though, they really have changed my meals already!

I wanted to keep a little update here every so often about food I have been eating.

For breakfast instead of coco pops I have changed for thing such as turkey bacon with scrambled egg or poached eggs on salmon.
For lunch I have swapped my cheese & ham or tuna mayo sandwich with a packet of crisps and a chocolate bar (or 2) for a wholemeal wrap, cooked chicken & spinach with peppers. Or a turkey stir fry with rice noodles.
For dinner I have swapped my chips for sweet potato chips, I have been having things like homemade burgers with sweet potato chips and veg or a chicken stir fry.
I'm feeling really inspired food wise, being a binge eater it's really a big deal to me to eat better and honestly feel like I've been eating completely different things AND enjoying them the last few days!

Have you got any favourite healthier options at the moment? Please share them if you do - @mummymemories on twitter or you can find me on facebook - facebook mummy memories


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