Monday 27 October 2014

#5StepWeaning plan by Cow & Gate

We're very excited that we have been chosen as one of the ambassadors for Cow & Gate 5 Step Weaning online plan which if you haven't already seen you must take a look - it definitely came at the right time as I know I'm a second time mum but every baby is so so different and I litterally forgot 'how' I weaned Oliver, that and the fact Isabelle has cows milk protein allergy I just felt like I needed some help. We were sent a box of cow & gate goodies as well as some weaning accessories and a supermarket voucher to help us on our weaning journey.
If you're about to start weaning or even if you've started and feeling a little out of your depth - I know I did both times but more so with my second due to allergies, then this could really help you, so far its definitely helped us!

Isabelle is allergic to dairy so her weaning is going to take slightly longer due to the fact we need to introduce one new thing at a time for 3 days before introducing something different just to make sure she's actually ok with it, she is having a skin prick test done next month so hopefully we will be able to introduce a few things then and not have to worry so much. She has reacted to a few other things randomly that had no milk in so we're just being super careful. Also if your baby has allergies then I'm thrilled to tell you that you can still follow Cow & Gate 5 step weaning, just cut out the 'problem' food!

very first spoonful of neocate spoon - baby rice
If you register for the Cow & Gate 5 Step Weaning plan then you will receieve some money off vouchers - which always come in handy don't they? Especially with the big C word coming up soon... don't worry I won't say it just yet! (maybe tomorrow or soon when I've got a 'C' gift guide for the blog). Also you will be able to track your babies likes and dislikes, which is a great way to remember what they actually liked, I don't know about you but I'm still exhausted since having my baby 7 months ago and my memory is seriously suffering so the fact that Cow & Gate will remember for me through the 5 Step Weaning plan is a big thumbs up from us!
Avocado and pear... she loved it!
A little bit about the plan...
Step one is first spoonfuls - goal to help your baby eat from their spoon and introduce those exciting first foods that will get spat in your face! Never will you think its cute to be spat at other than this time by the way... First tastes include carrots, pear, peas, apples and broccoli (which if your little one is allergic to dairy like mine, I'd suggest avoiding as it creates wind and my little girl along with others with cmpa can't handle broccoli).
Step two is introducing breakfast for your little ones, getting into a good daily routine of breakfast will help later on. Isabelle is super fussy at the moment, I've tried countless cereals but she just wants a mashed up banana for breakfast - we recently tried toast but she had terrible wind and was up alot that night so we're avoiding until after skin prick test. Good ideas are baby porridge with banana, pear or apple puree.
Step three is offering variety, introducing a wider variety of vegetables and fruit to your little ones meal times. Some of these are butternut squash, mango and tomatoe.
Step four is adding meat and fish (or alternatives) to your babies diet and includes recipes like sweet potatoe and lamb.
Step five is to establish your babies three meals per day, the aim being to put all the steps together to create a healthy three meal per day diet for your little one.

It's so important to remember that a face you might read as baby hating the food, might actually mean they like it - it's just new. Try everything again and again to see if your baby likes it, Isabelle hardly ever likes something straight away.

I love that the Cow and Gate website is really easy to use, you can be registered within minutes and creating your babies own weaning plan. They have special 'eaticons' to track your babies likes and dislikes. When I started weaning Isabelle I said I was going to make all of her food - this didn't last, trust me I woke up and smelt the roses baby poo and realised sometimes life is busy and you need to have that quick alternative back up in the cupboard or in your bag if you're off out.. you can't just say no to a hungry little baby... think it's fab that each recipe shows a Cow and Gate ready made alternative, fab for if you know your baby likes a certain food you've made and you're going out so would like to that some ready made with you.

Isabelle's average food day at 7 months old
Breakfast - mashed up banana (always try some baby cereal too but she closes her mouth)
- rice cakes
Lunch - mashed carrot/sweet potatoe and chicken and if we're at home she will have finger food dessert such as fruit she can hold herself and get super messy but if we're out or she's just really hungry I give her fruit puree as she gets it 'quicker' she likes avocado and pear or banana and apple, she seems to prefer two fruits mixed together.
Snack - finger foods such as carrot, crisps or baby biscuits.
Dinner - something like carrots, peas and pears or sweet potatoe, beetroot and quinola. followed by some fruit either finger foods or purees.

She's obviously still having lots of milk too, although I have noticed her wanting less and less lately. I've started to offer her water with every feed but we are yet to find a cup that she really likes using. I think being breastfed mostly she gets a bit confused when it comes to a beaker.
So far we absolutely love the #5StepWeaning plan and can't wait to try more of the reciepes suggested and also try some more of the Cow & Gate products.

We will definitely share some of the reciepes ideas suggested on the Cow & Gate 5 Step Weaning plan with you soon! And also Isabelle will put those products to the test and let you know what she thinks. She absolutely loves the apple and pear puree!

Are you following the 5 Step Weaning plan too? If so I'd love to know what your little ones favourites are so far.

Mary-Kate, x

please note that I was sent products and voucher to help me complete this review but all of the opinions are my own.


  1. Very very lovely blog .Very cute baby..Thank you for sharing your tips here. I think every mom will read your post . Thank you .
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