Thursday 11 December 2014


Dear Santa Next,

The children have written their Christmas lists to you Santa and they've tried hard to be very good... Isabelle has only nearly pulled the tree down once and broken a few baubles so far and Oliver, well... he woke up last night and 'thought' he had walked to the toilet but actually ended up weeing all over some of his toys, so last night at about 11pm I was cleaning urine up! Fun. So now I'm writing my Christmas wish list
Nextmas Wishlist for my favourite shop Next! (Sorry Michael for spending alot of money in Next but not actually sorry because I like it)

Number 1 on my Nextmas Wishlist is a hat because my head is very cold on the school run! I love this one, I think it's really cute and would match Oliver's one nicely. (I admit, I have worn his one haha it's age 7-10 years from next and it fits my head)

Number 2 on my Nextmas Wishlist is this lovely photo frame because I love to have lots of photos of our family around the house and we've just had a little move around and have a wall waiting for a new frame.

Number 3 on my Nextmas Wishlist is this gorgeous bed linen set, it makes me think Sunday Morning Snuggles and would be perfect for Christmas time! Oliver and Isabelle love to get in between us for a cuddle.

Number 4 on my Nextmas Wishlist is this lovely cake stand, I love making cakes and although I haven't made many since having Isabelle I think this would give me a little kick up the bottom to make some! I miss buttercream icing, obviously being dairy free I can't have that BUT it looks so pretty I can make others consume the calories - *insert evil laugh*.

Number 5 on my Nextmas Wishlist are these lovely boots, I need some new boots that are comfortable and I need to stop wearing silly shoes. Want to know a secret? I fell over ok ok I fell over, all the way to the floor! Bottom hit the floor, bruised and everything on the way home from dropping Oliver to school.. it was slippy ok! But seriously, need new shoes, these probably aren't the best 'grippy' but they're an improvement plus (real reason) they're cute?!

Number 6 on my Nextmas Wishlist is one for the kids! I know this is MY wishlist but it would make me happy to see Oliver's face at this bed cover set. 

Number 7 on my wishlist, well now I have to add something for my princess Isabelle... Don't you hate that feeling of 'can't buy for one and not the other'? Oh well this poncho is super super cute! Next, does it come in my size too??

Number 8 on my Nextmas Wishlist - dammit, see I can't even leave the Man out can I? I am desperate to get that stubborn man in a Christmas jumper and this one looks fab! I'd make sure I washed it lots over the Christmas period (every year) so he HAD to wear it.

Number 9 on my Nextmas Wishlist, seeing as we're talking about the Man. I'd like him to take me on a night out, it's been about a year now so I think we're due a night out just us and because my size has changed since having Isabelle I would obviously need a new dress. I have just fallen in love with this one. Could I also wear it for Isabelle/Oliver's Christening too?

Number 10 on my Nextmas Wishlist are these PJ's, I love love love pj's. If I'm poorly, I will have a shower and get into new pj's to make myself feel better. A pj day to me has to be clean pj's - Michael always has found that strange and I'm not sure why? You always feel better having had a shower!

So that's it, thats my Nextmas Wishlist! What would be on yours?

Mary-Kate, x

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