Sunday 2 November 2014

Gazoob Educational Apps - Read with Biff, Chip and Kipper Review

Oliver is 5 years old and learning to read, he's one of the youngest in his year and I've always been keen to try to help him more so I was excited to learn about this app, we are living in a time where our children love our ipads and want to use them so it's great to be able to get them to use educational apps that are also fun = secret learning alert! Well done Gazoob who have worked together with Oxford university press to create the app to match their much loved range. This is great because our children are learning this in school, we can now bring that learning home and support them further.
Biff, Chip and Kipper (ok lets add floppy their dog too!) are names I already knew because Oliver's been reading the books at school as well as bringing them home to read together. I think they're fantastic and since he changed schools early this year and started on this phonics he's got so so much better! This app works in conjunction with the series of books. I love that you can click on each book and it gives the parent tips because I didn't learn phonics at school and I will hold my hands up now and say sometimes I get confused!!!!, the child can chose if they want to read it themselves of use 'autoplay'which Oliver loves as it reads the entire book to him.
To make sure they're listening there are questions to answer which shows how much attention he's actually been paying. There are activites in the books which have proven very popular with Oliver. As well as the stories there are phonics books where your little one can learn sounds and match items with what word they begin with. Oliver is already very good at writing his letters but does need to be a little neater so the feature on the app to practice by tracing over the letters is great for him.
Each book also features a list of common words used within.
This app is available on ipad and iphone from the app store, Android from google play or windows store. At the moment you can download 'read with biff, chip and kipper; library' and get two free books from level 1 or you can get a special discounted price for levels 1-3 for just £4.99. 
Oliver's absolutely loving this app and I think it's a great thing to download for your little ones.

Mary-Kate, x
please note that we were sent a code to download this app for free for the purpose of this review, all opinions however are my own.

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