Sunday 12 January 2014

Star of the week!

Oliver was this weeks 'Star of the week' in his class at school, he's been wanting to be star of the week for ages now and he was so so excited to have been chosen as the star of the week. As a reward for being "Super sensible" and on time every day, Oliver got to bring home 'Thumper', the class mascot!
Thumper as you can see, is a very loved white rabbit teddy. He gets to go home with the child for the weekend and kept in the book bag provided. Oliver hasn't kept him in the book bag at all, he's kept him by his side all weekend... 

"I love being star of the week". 

So basically the idea is...

Each week the teacher will choose a different star of the week based on the children's behavior and achievements. The chosen star will take home the class mascot, Thumper, for the weekend. The child is then asked to (with adult help) complete a diary entry for the weekend which will be shared with the class the following Friday before the new star is chosen. 

So Friday when we got home Thumper watched some TV with us, then we read a book - Oliver's getting very good at reading 'Tom's Mad Mop' and then Thumper sat next to Oliver while he had dinner, some more playing and then bath time - obviously thumper stayed outside the bath... then at bed time, Oliver cuddled up to thumper so that he wasnt scared.

Saturday morning Thumper joined us at breakfast time and then we built lots of things with lego - apparently Thumper really likes lego. Saturday afternoon we went on a bus journey to 'Marks and Spencers' as Oliver insisted Thumper had never been before and he knew he would absolutely love it there plus Oliver is M&S' biggest fan! He loves the doughnuts and muffins. 

'Oliver's M&S' 

It was all so exciting they needed a little sit down... (& we had to wait for Mike as he was at football).

& then we got in the car and Thumper came with us to look at household stuff as we're moving soon... Oliver got a little bit too excited running around the shop... mummy got a little bit grumpy...

Oliver said it was a bed...

Then it was time to go home. Thumper helped Oliver to eat his doughnut and soon it was time for bed. Thumper again got cuddled all night long and when Oliver got up for his wee he questioned if Thumper needed a wee too?

Sunday 12th January we took Thumper on a trip to the book club - Oliver really likes Thomas the Tank engine books at the moment and we brought 10 new ones today. Very exciting. 

After the book club Oliver took Thumper to look at 'pretty' flowers at the garden center... 

Then we went to see some family and played with Thomas the tank engine trains... 

Oliver's loved being star of the week and I don't think he will want to give Thumper back tomorrow!

Mary-Kate, x 

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